
Frequently Asked Questions

See FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions) below to learn about the snap pack products we offer and how snap pack mailers can benefit your company!

 Q: What is a direct mail snap pack?

This pressure sealed snap pack mailer is perforated on three sides for easy and official opening. The direct mail snap pack is designed to look “important and urgent”. The pressure seal self mailer may often contain important, urgent, time sensitive information or an attached check or rebate.  Amajority  of people open these direct mail snap packs the moment that they set eyes on them because of the formatted design which is technically called variable data.  We can insert and print as much detailed specific information on the snap pack design as you need such as; mortgage lien data, automotive rebate, official documents, bank or credit card enclosure with personal pin number, health care certificate, tax or business refund check, tax lien demand letter, foreclosure notice, or whatever you need your urgent message to relay to the end user!

Q: What is variable data printing?

The printed snap pack mailers have duplex imaging which offer details specific to the addressee such as;  name, address, mortgage loan number, account number, dates,  or other personal specific data listed throughout the print in a format called “variable data” The repetitive personal information or “variable data entry” is detailed on the snap pack printed letter and is aimed to demand immediate attention from the reader, therefore the response to action is high!

Q: What industries typically use SNAP PACKS FOR DIRECT MAIL?

Snap Packs can serve a variety of functions.  Some of the industries that have a proven record with variable data, including the pressure sealed snap pack are:  Automotive Notices,Mortgage and Loan Modifications, Tax Liens or other Demand Letters, Bank Non Sufficient Funds(NSF) letters, late payments for Credit Cards or other Loans,  Health Insurance documents,  Insurance Policy Information, or any other official document that may have time sensitive urgent message to relay to the end user. If you would like references from some of our loyal clients please email us at info@snappackmail.com and we will be happy to send our clients referrals to you.

Q: Why use Snap Pack direct mailers?

When people received a Snap Pack in their mail box if looks like a REBATE CHECK! So therefore the rate of opening it is almost 100%! WOW, imagine your notice having that kind of “open ratio”? When you add a bit of mystery to a direct mail piece, such as the snap pack mailer, you get immediate attention on your marketing piece. Action takes shape when you put information in front of your audience and brings in huge rewards and ROI!

Q: How are snap packs delivered?

Snap packs can be mailed to any state or country, business, or local residence in an affordable and reliable way, via USPS. We currently have snap pack mailers going to almost every state in the US. We suggest either sending out your snap pack direct mail piece by bulk mail, or first class postage for optimal results.  At snappackmail.com we can assist you with all of your shipping and delivery processing from our reliable printer to the end user, your client!

Q: Should a pressure seal self mailer be fancy or simple?

Design your piece around what is inexpensive to print & mail. Make it official looking, not gimmicky. A fancy, complicated mail piece that costs twice as much will probably not double your response rate.

Q: How do I know that my snappack is working?

Test your mail. 5,000 pieces will give you a statistically measurable result. You can mail more after you know it works. Use a simple 800 tracking method or variable data key to link the caller to the campaign. You can get an 800 number tracking service for under $50 per month by searching on the Internet.

Q: What is mail merge or variable data?

Personalization Variable Data or Mail Merge is the area/s on your letter that can be personalized for every customer – name, dates, age, payments, numbers – everything can be personalized for every consumer. In hundreds of studies this has proven to increase response by up to 200%.

Q: How do I make my snap pack look more official?

Your Snap Pak should have official logos or stamps to look more official. Use watermarks on the address side. You can use photos and examples. In hundreds of studies this has proven to increase response by up to 100%.

Q: Why does the snap pack mailer have a high open ratio?

Snap Pack pressure seal mailers should resemble important first class mail. Your letter will get opened and people will pay attention to it if it does. Snap Pack mailers should demand attention.

Q: How much should it cost to get a snap pack layout designed?

Some companies charge anywhere from complimentary with the overall cost to $50 per hour. Ask for samples before signing up with a print company. Your letter can feature your company’s logo, brands and competitive advantages. Using variable data you can customize your piece with different phone numbers, names, signatures, sales codes etc.

Q: How do I make sure that I get a good mail list?

You target exactly who you want by address, credit, age, income & more. Or you can use your own list. If you purchase a list, make sure that they are NOT using recycled lists. Always ask for references when before you buy a list. Make sure they are legitimate list broker that is qualified and certified to buy direct from the major credit bureaus.

Q: What else should I have in my snap pack mailer content?

Simple, easy to read copy and strong special offers grab your readers attention. Personalized information builds credibility.

Q: What paper stock should a SNAP PACK MAILER be printed on?

Your letter should be on # 24lb stock or similar quality paper. They will either offer you this in trifold, C fold, or single fold. There are also some variations of this. Color is an option, but often it is more official and economical to just use black and white.

Q: How long does it take to launch a snap pack campaign?

Plan on taking 2-10 days to allow for a good art design and layout. After that your snap pack can be printed in a day or so and delivered to USPS ready to go with full CASS and NCOA certification ready. Then it takes you an average of 4-6 day delivery on standard mail, however it can take up to 15 business days as per the USPS (usually doesn’t take this long) *see www.usps.com for official rules and regulations.

Q: How much does an average black and white snap pack mailer usually cost?

Snap Pack mailers usually cost about 21-26 cents standard bulk mail delivery. The cost of the print is average anywhere from .08 cents to .20 cents depending on your specifications and overall volume. Keep in mind that “simple it better” with a snap pack mailer so don’t over think this. Keep your eye on the official design, offer, and telemarketing. This will ultimately bring in the business.

Have any other Snap Pack FAQS?


Let us know any FAQS that we can answer and we will post here.