Ditch The Envelope and Save Money by using a Snap Pack Self Mailer!

What is a “Snap Pack Self Mailer”? Self mailers ensure lower printing costs with increased flexibility in mailing and printing. Coming in a variety of shapes and creative designs, self mailers (or Snap Packs, Pressure Seal Mailers, or Continuous Mailers)...

Hit it Out of the Park with A Direct Mail Marketing Campaign using a Letter or Snap Pack Mailer!!!

How to Create a Successful Direct Mail Campaign Using a Letter or Snap Pack The Content of a Letter or Snap Pack Mailer Makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE in getting it RIGHT! HERE ARE SOME TIPS FOR WRITING DOWN YOUR FIRST DRAFT. 1. Write it like you say it. Don’t worry...

Postcards VS letter mailers saving taxpayers millions!

Postcard vs Letter Mailers Postcard to Replace Letter Mailers for Emissions Renewal; Change Will Save State $400,000 Annually (Connecticut) Beginning Monday vehicle owners will be sent a postcard rather than a letter to remind them that their emissions test is due....

Snap Pack Mailer VS Traditional Envelope and Mailer

Snap Pack Mailer VS Traditional Mail In this article we will compare a snap pack mailer vs a traditional mail. The new trend in mailers is called a “SNAP PACK”. A Snap Pack is a single sheet of paper folded into an all inclusive envelope. Snap Paks come with...

How to Optimize your Snap Pack Pressure Seal Mail Campaign

In this article we will discuss how to optimize your snap pack pressure seal mail campaign. Direct snap pack mailings are a marketing tool used to attract more potential customers to your business by creating an “official” type of appearance to the mailer. While this...

Do snap pack pressure seal mailers really work?

Snap Pack Pressure Seal, Snap Mailers with Perforated Tear off Edges – They REALLY WORK! In this article we will discuss snap pack pressure seal with perforated tear off edges to see if they really work. DRUM ROLL…….. The results are in…We welcome the ...